The Collected Papers of the International College of Applied Kinesiology-USA
Compendium of ICAK-USA Proceedings
Since the 1970’s, the members of the International College of Applied Kinesiology®-U.S.A. have shared their insights, outcomes, case histories and research through the papers presented in the Proceedings. The ICAK-U.S.A. continues to thrive as an “Arena of Ideas” through which members have the opportunity to present their observations and research results. These published works document the first steps toward the furtherance and development of the authors’ hypotheses, concepts and procedural techniques which can culminate in their material becoming part of the accepted body of knowledge we know as applied kinesiology.
We invite all members to participate in this endeavor in the future. Past history shows that the observations of one doctor stimulate the minds of others and the end result can be, as Dr. Goodheart credits Dr. Deal as saying, “and now we have another piece of the puzzle.” The manuscripts are published by ICAK-U.S.A. as presented by the authors. There has been no effort to edit them in any way; however, they have been reviewed by the Proceedings Review Team for originality and to determine that they follow the “Instructions to Authors” published by the ICAK-U.S.A.
The primary purpose of the ICAK-U.S.A. in publishing the Proceedings is to provide an interchange of ideas to stimulate improved examination and therapeutic methods in applied kinesiology. It should be understood that the procedures presented in these papers are not to be construed as a single method of diagnosis or treatment.[/vc_column_text]
The ICAK-U.S.A. expects applied kinesiology to be used by physicians licensed to be primary health care providers as an adjunct to their standard methods of diagnosis and treatment. Neither the International College of Applied Kinesiology®-U.S.A., its Executive Board, nor the membership, nor the International Board of Examiners, International College of Applied Kinesiology, necessarily endorses, approves of, or vouches for the originality or authenticity of any statements of fact or opinion in these papers.
The opinions and positions stated are those of the authors and not by act of publication necessarily those of the International College of Applied Kinesiology® U.S.A., the Executive Board or membership of the International College of Applied Kinesiology® U.S.A., or the International Board of Examiners, International College of Applied Kinesiology.
Proceedings Format Guidelines
NEW IN 2024: Proceedings Committee has outlined an updated format for the Annual Proceedings. Please use the links below to follow the new guidelines.
Collected Proceedings
These published works document the first steps toward the furtherance and development of the authors’ hypotheses, concepts and procedural techniques which can culminate in their material becoming part of the accepted body of knowledge we know as applied kinesiology. We invite all members to participate in this endeavor in the future.
The earlier proceedings have been scanned in, so the quality of reproduction is moderate to poor, but the information is priceless. As the years progress and the use of computers is utilized, the quality of the documents is high. All proceedings are in a PDF format.